Thank you, Queen!

My dear Queen,

Has anyone thanked you yet for writing “Cursed Child”? No? They keep criticizing it, don’t they? Saying how “it’s not a novel” (well, it’s a play, what did you expect?) or comparing it to a bad written fanfiction..But these people keep forgetting that you, just like Harry, didn’t choose the easy way. You chose the right one, the hardest one. It would have been very simple to write another novel, another story. But you wanted something different, better, never encountered before. Well, my Queen, in my opinion, you did well. You did better and amazing and freaking fantastic!


“Cursed child” is about what happens after the happy ending. It’s about struggles, heartbreaks, friendship, adulthood, prejudicies and even politics. It’s about love, change and human nature. And characters, which people keep forgetting they are not only humans, but twenty years older. Maybe not always wiser, but changed.

People expected “Cursed Child” to be the eight story, with the same characters and personality. Well, those people forget how reality works and how age reshapes us. How Harry wasn’t perfect, Ginny was always, in a way, the outcast, Hermione was pretty much predictable and prejudices rarely die.

I think those who criticize CC keep forgetting they had flaws, just like everyone else. Still, for me, they couldn’t be more perfect.

We LOVE to denounce, but has ANYONE ever thanked JK Rowling for giving us a real piece of the wizarding world?! Not a fanfic, not snippets or Rita Skeeter’s articles. A story, a full blown, AMAZINGLY written play, which has a much more meaning than anyone has noticed. It’s all between the lines, you know? (Many, many lines, since it’s a play, dear people)

I won’t give any spoilers ( KeepTheSecrets! ) but I’ll tell you this : it’s a gorgeous play in which I got lost just like in any other Harry Potter book. It gives you so many feelings and it brings you home. It’s funny, I enjoyed even those parts which some people considered weird (like the trolley witch), I cried at the end (thank Salazar for having two cats who cuddled with me while I was sobbing over the book) and I absolutely loved the character’s development! All of them.

Thank you, Queen. For bringing me back, for making me laugh, cry and hug the book at my chest at 2:30 in the morning, unable to sleep, with emotions running through my veins and with the biggest, goofiest smile on my face. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I love you, Joanne. Forevemore.


Yours, always,
